Checking in on Montana’s Democracy

An estimated 60% of rural youth live in a “civic desert,” meaning they lack adequate civic engagement opportunities.

Civics Under the Big Sky believes that the tools to engage in our democracy shouldn’t be defined by where you live. Our programs bring voter registration opportunities and civic education directly to youth in the classroom and at home!

Spring 2024 we held Democracy Days in over 20 locations across the state!

Democracy Days

Democracy only works when we participate! This event is a peer-to-peer voter registration drive that brings high schoolers access to voter registration services, leadership development opportunities, and volunteer experiences. Held in the spring, this event is a fun and effective way to register our youngest voters! Civics Under the Big Sky will train campus leads on running an effective voter registration drive, equipping them with knowledge and lots of swag. Campus leads will then spend a week registering their peers to vote.

Sign up here by February 24th to participate! Democracy Days will take place March 3rd-7th in time to engage students in this year's school board elections. Civics Under the Big Sky will provide training, supplies, and materials needed for the event at no cost to you.

#DYK that Montana has pre-registration for 17 year olds? This means that you can register to vote when you turn 17. You’ll be eligible to cast your ballot once you turn 18. 

Voter Registration

Every eligible Montanan has the right to vote. The first step? Registering to vote! We focus on registering young adults on high school and college campuses. If you see us tabling, come say hi!

Want more voter information? Click here!

Civics-focused exercises for students and educators

These civic templates provide educators, club advisors, and students the resources they need to teach relevant themes around democracy in the classroom. While they’re designed for students to facilitate for their peers, anyone can lead them! They’re fun, easy, and informative. Current civic templates cover issues around the Montana State budget, judicial system, voting rights, elections, and telling a personal story. 

  • Students will explore the impact just a handful of votes can have on the outcome of an actual election. Along the way, students will learn about the life (and death) of a ballot measure and how we can remove barriers to exercising the right to vote.

    Time: 80 minutes in class
    Grade level: 9th to 12th grade
    4 to 42 students

  • Have you been looking for democracy in all the wrong places? This scavenger hunt will give students experience in democracy small and large. From talking to a parent about their views on voting, to attending a public meeting, this scavenger hunt will help young people understand where, how, and when they can create change in their communities.

    Time: 30 minutes in class
    ~10 to 15 hours out of class
    Grade level: 9th to 12th
    any number of students

  • Follow the fight for voting rights through history. The Voting Rights Timeline will move your students through each battle for enfranchisement, helping them understand the hard-fought battle for voting rights in the United States and Montana specifically.

    Time: 50 minutes in class
    Grade level: 9th to 12th
    4+ students

  • Are you already preparing for your journey to the Supreme Court? Or are you interested in how courts impact our lives? This Judicial System Template was developed by Forward Montana Foundation and is intended to introduce young people to the federal court system, the impact it may play on their lives, and the impact individuals can have on the court system.

    Time: 1 to 5 class periods
    Grade level: 9th to 12th
    4+ students

  • Wondering how those #taxes are used to fund things in your community? This State Budget Template was developed by Forward Montana Foundation and the Montana Budget & Policy Center and is intended to introduce students to the process of public budgeting – from taxpayers to funded programs.

    Time: 1 to 2 class periods
    Grade level: 9th to 12th
    8+ students

  • Are you curious about ways to build power and begin to connect with folks in order to do so? This training helps students construct their first “Story of Self,” as well as informing them of how to leverage that story once they’ve created it.

    Time: 1 to 2 hours
    Grade level: 9th to 12th

Want to access a template?